A Parallel Between Physical And Spiritual Energy

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but transformed into other energy forms. Energy follows a direction in its constant movement. In a spontaneous way, it tends to go from a concentrated state into a state of expansion. For example, after a while a full glass of hot water goes cold. This is a law of physics according to which all things tend to go from a high-energy state to a low-energy state.

Applying these principles to the area of our conscience, our thoughts and feelings, we can discover similarities to these laws. When our thoughts (which are metaphysical (non physical) energy are focused on the outermost layers of our conscience, towards the external world (objects, possessions, people and so on), our creative capacity decreases, weakening us on entering into this expansion and not having sufficient power (concentrated energy) to take on negative situations and circumstances that we are faced with.

On the other hand, if we focus on our intrinsic, original and genuine qualities (peace, love, power) we accumulate more energy and our inner strength can grow. This means that we are capable of creating, of having more willpower and, therefore, strengthening our self-esteem.

Positive thoughts are a high-frequency vibration that transports a great deal of concentrated energy, capable of influencing the atmosphere and the consciences of other people in a subtle way, transforming any negative vibrations.

Negative thoughts are a low-frequency vibration that causes the energy to become dissipated. They weaken and block communication. They destroy harmony (peace).

Positive Reflections For The Day are messages sent by the Brahma Kumaris. If you are not receiving Positive Reflections already and would like to receive it daily, from the Brahma Kumaris, please send an email to the email address awakeningwithbks@bkmail.org with – Subscribe – written in the subject.

The Significance Of Spiritual Energy

Humans live and express themselves by means of four energy forms:

You breathe, eat and drink, and through this process you exchange atoms and molecules with the external environment and the inner environment of your body. A part of this energy will be used for growth and another part for physical movement.

The energy and power of thought. This energy has a big influence over the origin of many illnesses, so much so that it has been estimated that as many as 85% of them are psychosomatic (directly or indirectly influenced by our state of the mind) in nature. Your thoughts are also the seeds of your feelings, your mood and your attitudes.

This is related with how you feel, moody or happy, anxious or nervous. If your feelings are negative, it will end up affecting your body. Feelings of irritability, anxiety or tension can cause stomach ulcers. Along the same lines, with positive feelings you will be able to overcome any illness much more easily.

This is related to our original qualities and values. It is the energy of the soul. Our perspective of the world will depend on the state of our conscience. Spiritual energy guides and provides quality to our thoughts, and that is why it is the highest in the hierarchy.

These energies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) form a hierarchy, in which physical energy is the lowest and spiritual energy the highest. If we are able to correctly channel the spiritual energy it will influence all the others in a positive way, beginning with our conscience, our feelings, and ending with our body.

Positive Reflections For The Day are messages sent by the Brahma Kumaris. If you are not receiving Positive Reflections already and would like to receive it daily, from the Brahma Kumaris, please send an email to the email address awakeningwithbks@bkmail.org with – Subscribe – written in the subject.

Understanding What Is Aura

The mind is the thinking energy of the soul (negative or positive). It is
the mental energy, which makes the aura (subtle body) of a person. The
soul, situated in the brain, radiates its mental energy to all the brain
centers e.g.: hypothalamus (thinking centre), limbic system (centre of
emotions and attitudes), frontal cortex (memory centre), respiratory
centre, speech centre, visual centre etc., in maximum concentration as
these centres are located near the soul. In fact the soul radiates the
mental energy to each cell of the physical body. This radiated mental
energy which exists inside the whole body is of the same shape as the
physical body, which is nothing but the aura.

Now the aura of a person can be photographed by Kirlian photography. If a
person most of the time thinks negative, the aura around him has various
shades of white light e.g.: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange,
red or can be black if there is no flow of mental energy. If a person
thinks positive most of the time then aura around him is made up of silvery
white light. Such a person is liked by all and radiates all the innate
qualities of the soul e.g.: purity, peace, love, bliss, power around him.
Other people coming in contact with him can feel the soothing effect of
these qualities. Good meditators normally have clear white auras.

Kirlian photography has been proving useful in diagnosis of disease in a
particular part of body and organ system before the disease becomes
clinically visible in the form of signs and symptoms.